Wednesday, 25 January 2012


Yeah, cancer is a tough one. After all, who wants to read about something that depressing?
(I'm postponing more wedding stories 'till later)
But seeing I've lost almost an entire year fighting cancer and another two friends have been diagnosed just this past week, it feels like something has to be said.

First off, let's just call it by its name. It's not 'your disease', or 'your troubles', or 'your illness' or 'this thing that happened to you'. Its name may be spoken without the speaker being smote down from above.
Its name is cancer.

And it takes many forms, wouldn't you know. It seems almost any part of your body can get cancer. Different types of cancer cause different cell changes, which is why one test cannot pick up every cancer. Some are easily healed, others are a bit of a struggle. But in the end, the form the struggle takes is up to the canceree, more commonly called the patient. (With cancer you have to be patient - treatment takes a long time.) Some people have surgery almost immediately, others begin with radiation or chemotherapy. Each has its own problems. Some people prefer 'all natural' treatments, herbal mostly, but their survival rate has not yet been proven.

Having cancer is not your fault!
When you get lung cancer, medics will say it's because you smoked. Similarly, skin cancer is from sunburn, etc. While that may be true, some people get cancer without having 'misbehaved' in any way...sometimes - and this is a medical opinion I received - it's 'just bad luck'. But punishing yourself with guilt feelings about getting sick is counter productive. Cancer is like the 'flu - you get it or you don't. And, you get it again, or you don't.

We all know that many treatments (especially chemos like taxol) make you lose your hair and might make you nauseous. These are the famous side-effects. Some chemos only cause partial loss. I didn't really become nauseous, except once or twice. And different cancers get different chemicals as treatment. These can be in the form of pills, or more commonly these days, intravenous drips every few weeks for several months, each lasting about five hours.

But did you know that you can lose ALL your hair - your entire body becomes smooth as a baby's bottom. So, no shaving, that's a good one. But without nostril hair your nose can become kind of drippy. Without eyelashes, flies and other insects can collide with your eyeball freely - nothing to stop them when you begin to blink. Without eyebrows, nobody seems to be able to read your expressions.

When you go from presentable to old reptile-eyes like this pic on the right, you tend to re-evaluate many female values, such as the importance of cosmetics (make-up is impossible).

That's not all! Your teeth often develop problems, you have no resistance to disease and have to be very careful to avoid colds and 'flu, etc. Your bones deteriorate like crazy. My carbon-plats also affected my hearing, although that seems to have been temporary. And the taxol affected the neuro-sensitivities of my extremities. Feet (toes) are numb but also burn with heat and cold alternatively, fingertips are numb and make it difficult to tie buttons and easy to drop crockery. This effect lasts for a long time, maybe forever. And it's irritating as hell! Even driving a car is challenging because I can't feel the pedals properly. I was a dancer, but now my toes don't obey my commands....

Another interesting side effect is the reaction of people in public places. I chose not to wear a wig or scarves because I found them irritating to my scalp. However, in Namibia there seems to be a lot of ignorance about the cause of radical hairloss. Young people especially seemed to think I was challenging fashion, or trying to do the bald black look, or something. They laughed, pointed, giggled and made remarks. Small children point and pull faces of disgust. The odd few young men became quite aggressive. And one elderly man in a shop refused to push the superlarge wholesale trolly used when we buy a month's stock for all the farm workers. He stared at me with such anger and distrust. Even when I tried to chat to him he refused. Someone else had to help since customers may not take out trolleys on their own. I wondered what he was thinking...?

On the other hand, those who do understand are extremely helpful, kind and supportive, even if they are total strangers. probably they have either had it themselves or they have a family member or a friend who has had cancer. Sometimes it seems there is an instant bond with these people. Very nice.

But a small irritant is when people call and ask "How are you doing now?" after each treatment. The fact is, you usually don't know. Nothing seems to have changed from one treatment to another. Chemo makes you feel so tired and useless, that even good news seems unreal. How can things be fine when you're feeling totally shit?  I know the question is asked because people care, but for me, just a normal howzit works better. Besides, the improvement one might expect is not obvious until you hit the end of treatment. Then you might feel great! Super well even.
The other response from most people is: "Just stay positive." Man, while I know that a positive state of mind is conducive to overall health, I really don't know what people actually want you to do, when you've just been told that even with succesful treatment, your life expectancy is short, like a single handful of years. It's a shock, and the idea seems to go around and around in your mind, day and night. It takes time to digest this kind of information.

I've always been an optimist, so seeing some positives in living shorter rather than longer is something I can do. A sense of humour helps as well.
Getting better with the help of loved ones

Friends and family:
  • But please, rather than just telling people to be positive, give them something to be positive about.
  • Besides, a bit of negativity and darkness is normal in these circumstances. Accept it, talk about the fears and pain.
  • Understand that it is the same person inside that it always was. Cancer doesn't change who you are at heart.
  • If you cared about someone before, now is the time to show it - be positive around a cancer patient, that already helps a million!
  • Throw a party, drink some good wine (life is too short for plonk), eat good food. Being awfully abstemious for the sake of your body is not going to help you feel positive - at least that's what I think.

As for the canceree - cuddling your pets close is great! Husbands and wives too of course. But pets are completely non-judgmental.
  • Rest a lot and be selfish if you need to be to feel better. Visiting Aunt Agatha is just not important if you're feeling tired.
  • Completing that book you were working on might not be so urgent - what you learn in the process of the illness might help you create a better book afterwards.
  • I took up drawing and painting for a while, something I hadn't done for years.
  • Exercise is really hard when one's joints ache fiercely, but I found it good because I set targets and thus could see some improvement every week, even though I was crawling in comparison with the time vefore treatment.
  • Finally, talk about your feelings or fears - on Facebook if need be. You'd be amazed how many people share your problem. I sometimes think that at least half the world has or has had cancer!
Useful information from Web MD

Thursday, 12 January 2012


The truth about weddings, I think..

Why weddings, you might ask?

Well, weddings are an almost pervasively human activity that takes on the most interesting forms in different cultures. One thing they seem to have in common, apart from tying a knot between a couple or couples of course, is that they seem to be thought of as inordinately important in a person's life, and that they are incomprehensibly expensive!

Take American movie weddings - "the most important day of my entire life" the bride says. Really?? What about the birth of a baby, and so many other important days? I just can't see why the dress (THE dress), the reception, pre- and post-dinners, flowers, tablecloths and stuff should be so important. Some weddings - think Indian, African, American - can totally cripple a family financially.

In Eritrea, north-eastern Africa, I became involved in a wedding somewhat by accident....
One day on my daily walk around Asmara, I heard the sound of a drum. Being drawn to all music, I peeked in through the gate of a home. Eritrean homes in Asmara are very private, with high walls and locked gates, so I was being very nosy and rude, one would think. But the women inside spotted me and immediately invited me inside. One woman was playing the drum, while others, at least those whose hands were free, were clapping and some were singing. When I explained how the drum called me, they picked up the singing and clapping, and brought me  a mug of sewa (home brewed beer) to drink. Soon they began to dance and of course I joined in, at first to much laughter, but as I caught on, to friendly praise.

Baking indjeera bread
These women were in the midst of preparing many huge barrels of sewa for the wedding of a female family member. They roasted a kind of bread over the fire in a large pan, and when it was dark brown on both sides, broke it up into small pieces. These were strewn in a barrel of water, and left to ferment. Eventually the bread gets removed and a small amount of sugar gets added. It can make a powerfully alcoholic drink, or a lighter one. Along with this, the women worked through several nights of a full week to prepare food and drink.
Enjoying a food break during preparations

During the same period, men of that family gather and talk about important matters, social, familial, and financial. Some of these gatherings are formal - men in suits - and others more casual.

Eventually the day of the church wedding arrived. As the wedding was scheduled for 06:30 on a Saturday morning, I was asked to be there at 5:30 to 6:00, for transport to the rather distant Orthodox Church. The bridal couple were dressed in traditional wedding gear for Tigrinya people or perhaps for the Orthodox Church, I'm not quite sure.
Bridal couple

Getting the bride ready
There were two weddings going on at once.
They were strangers to one another, but we all sat as close possible to the actual service, since there were many other people praying aloud near the walls. After three ceremonial processions around the Ark of the church, a brief photo session outside. Then another 5 hour photosession which we were all expected to attend, from breakfast time until after lunch - some light snacks and a walk around a picturesque, photogenic park. It was a hell of a long day, especially of you don't understand the conversations. Eventually in the afternoon we headed home again. All this took place about 10 kilometres outside of the city.

But still, not the end. The bridal pair have to have a smart bridal car, all done up with bouquets of plastic flowers and ribbons, and photos of the bridal couple. Graduation pictures if available.
The day after the church wedding, there is the reception and the couple and their procession dress up again, this time in Western bridal clothes - a white dress for the bride and matched colourful dresses for her entourage, and a smart suit for the groom and his entourage. Remember, everyone from both families have been up through the night at the two different family homes going through various ceremonies and discussions that I was not privy to. Now this!
Proud families
About 200 grandly dressed guests arrive in the tent which covers an entire section of suburban road, and the two families face off. Older men loudly proclaim the superiority of their lineage and the others respond. It gets quite heated, although I couldn't follow everything. As more sewa does the rounds, more heat is generated in these claims. Eventually, specially prepared singers and dancers are called in to perform - very exciting dances and songs!

As the food is served, along with more sewa, people move around and renew family and friend connections and some might dance to the small band.

Friends with a full mug of sewa!

This goes on until the bridal couple prepare to leave, at around midnight. Then they go off to their prepared lodgings, accompanied by a younger woman who will care for them (especially the bride) for about 3 months. The couple spend most of that time in bed, doing what you'd expect them to. The bride is fed all kinds of delicate titbits, in the hope that after this period she would be pregnant.

So what is my beef about this colourful and lively pageant?
Well, the expense mainly!
The bridal car can easily cost the equivalent of US$ 500 per day. The clothing, the beautifully coiffed and hennaed hair, the hennaed feet and palms, the food and drink, the accommodation for family. All this amounts to a huge some of money in a country that is hopelessly poverty stricken. The money for such a wedding comes mainly from returning ex-pats who themselves have to save up their salaries in  Europe, Canada or America to be able to carry this cost.

I'm sure it's done with love and pride, but at such a cost? Why not rather invest in the couple's future?
I'm just asking...

On a completely different cultural note - and I'm going to vary these - one of the nicest casual-Christian weddings I've ever attended was a simple affair on the beach, barefoot guests, a large candle symbolising the union being lit after extinguishing two smaller ones, and a casual talk about adjusting to living with another person. It was both grand - the beautiful breakers just outside the open-sided tent, and supremely simple.

Taking their vows

Wedding on the beach

More about weddings and music - in Namibia's north - next time.....